• 4 days
  • Mon - Thu, 22 - 25 Jul 2024
  • 10:00am - 5:30am
  • Lima, Lima, Peru
  • $950

Combined Foundation and Intermediate level courses in Cacao Evaluation and Flavour Profiling.


This course is not available

This course is no longer available. Please check our calendar for future dates.

Course details


This course will be taught in Spanish and English by IICCT founders Martin Christy and Dr. Maricel E. Presilla.

Elevate your understanding of fine chocolate and cacao with our combined Level 1 and 2 Certificate in Cacao Evaluation and Flavour Profiling course.

The Cacao Evaluation course applies the IICCT sensory approach and profiling system to give you a comprehensive view of the flavour potential of fine cacao, cacao production, cacao varieties, and common cacao defects.

About the course in Peru

The certified IICCT Cacao Evaluation and Flavour Profiling course is presented for the first time in Peru, building on the long history of the IICCT’s work in the country. The course will follow the prize ceremony of the International Chocolate Awards’s 9no Concurso Nacional de Chocolate Peruano on 20 July, held with the collaboration of the Salón de Cacao y Chocolate Perú in Lima and now a world level competition.

The Salon in Lima is one of the most interesting cacao and chocolate fairs in the world and a great chance to learn more about Peruvian cacao and to meet cacao farmers and chocolate makers producing some of the world’s best chocolate. The Salon runs from 18-21 July and is a great opportunity for international students to visit the Salon before joining the course.

With this professional IICCT course focused on the sensory evaluation of cacao, we celebrate and support the great achievements in the production of fine cacao, the recognition of genetic diversity and the growth of the fine chocolate industry in Peru.

Accommodation is not included in the course fee. Lunch is included.

Exams will be taken in Spanish and English (please note that translation tools are not permitted during the exam). No discount is offered if you do not pass the course and retaking the exam will cost $85. Retakes can also be taken online with a surcharge to cover the cost of the sample kit for the exam.



Este curso será impartido en español e inglés por los fundadores del IICCT, Martin Christy y la Dra. Maricel E. Presilla.

Detalles del Curso

Eleve su comprensión del chocolate fino y el cacao con nuestro curso de Certificado combinado de Nivel 1 y 2 en Evaluación de Cacao y la Creación de Perfiles de Sabor.

El curso de Evaluación de Cacao aplica el enfoque sensorial que utilizamos en los cursos de Cata de Chocolate del IICCT para brindarle una visión completa del potencial de sabor del cacao fino, la producción de cacao, las variedades de cacao y los defectos comunes del cacao.

Sobre el curso en el Perú

El Curso de Evaluación de Cacao y la Creación de Perfiles de Sabor, se presenta por primera vez en el Perú siguiendo la larga trayectoria del IICCT en este país y la premiación del 9no Concurso Nacional de Chocolate Peruano, ya parte del circuito mundial del International Chocolate Awards. Este importante concurso se realizará de nuevo en el contexto y con la colaboración del Salón del Cacao y Chocolate Perú en Lima.

El Salón de Lima entre el 18 y 21 de Julio es uno de las festivales de cacao y chocolate más interesantes del mundo. Allí podrás  tomarle el pulso al cacao peruano y conocer a pequeños cacaoteros de todo el país así como a chocolateros  que están haciendo historia produciendo algunos de los mejores chocolates del mundo. Es una gran oportunidad para que los estudiantes internacionales visiten el Salón antes de unirse al curso.

Con este curso profesional enfocado en la evaluación sensorial del cacao, celebramos y apoyamos los grandes logros en la producción de cacao fino, el reconocimiento de la diversidad genética y el crecimiento de la industria de chocolate fino en el Perú.

Los exámenes se realizarán en español e inglés (tenga en cuenta que no se permiten herramientas de traducción durante el examen). No se ofrece ningún descuento en caso de no aprobar el curso y retomar el examen tendrá un costo de $85 y también se podrán realizar en línea, más el recargo para cubrir el costo del kit de muestras para el examen.


Level 1 & 2

About the course

The IICCT Certificate Course in Cacao Evaluation and Profiling is an advanced sensory training course suitable for anyone wishing to develop a deeper understanding of flavour in fine cacao and wishing to explore the role cacao flavour potential plays in developing the flavour of finished fine chocolate.

The Certificate Course is based on the concept that the quality of fine chocolate is measured by the enjoyment of its flavour and that cacao with the potential to make good chocolate will also have a pleasurable, complex or distinctive flavour.

The Cacao Evaluation course will help to develop the sensory skills needed to assess cacao quality through its flavour, the potential transformation of cacao flavour into finished chocolate and how cacao flavour relates to technical methods of evaluating cacao.

The course will be based around extensive tasting of example cacaos, including reference high quality cacao and cacao samples that represent common defects. The tasting methodology uses the Institute’s standard cacao sample protocols, including as unprocessed cacao and various finished stages of cacao-to-chocolate production.

The evaluations made during the course are made using the Institute’s electronic sensory evaluation method, which is based on an understanding of cacao flavour and quality that can be applied with any sample preparation protocol, including dried cacao, cacao liquor and sample or retail chocolate.

Our approach recognises that cacao is a crop grown to produce foods giving us hedonistic pleasure and an enjoyable eating experience. Products made with fine cacao focus on improved flavour that is directly related to the flavour of the cacao. We use basic tasting principles to determine if cacao has an enjoyable flavour or has defects to create a comprehensive flavour profile and to generate a quality score.

The course will also include background sessions on the cacao trading market, the supply chain from farmer to bar, how to source and buy cacao and recommended sources, fermentation and post-harvest processing, cacao varieties and their historical distribution around the world and other useful background topics in short presentations as breaks between tasting.


Certificates will be awarded on a pass of a multiple choice exam for Level 1 and a pass in the Level 2 multiple choice exam and tasting assessments.

Entry requirements

There are no previous entry requirements for this course. An understanding of fine chocolate is recommended, which can be achieved through our Certificate in Chocolate Tastings courses.

Please note that there will be some repetition of Level 1&2 Chocolate Tasting material explaining the IICCT sensory approach and profiling system. For the online version of the course, Chocolate Tasting students may skip the relevant webinars, sections or lectures if they have previously covered this material.

What's included
  • Training the senses to appreciate cacao flavour
  • Sensory exploration, practice and the brain science of cacao tasting
  • What is fine cacao and how we define it
  • Tasting of example cacaos and sample protocols
  • Origins and varieties of cacao and their history
  • Cacao production, quality and flaws
  • How cacao is processed and how this affects flavour
  • Cacao sourcing and direct trading
  • Tasting practice and profiling with our online system
  • Understanding and tasting flaws and defects in cacao
  • Cacao farming, economics and trading
  • History of cacao growing and distribution around the world
  • Take away study guides
  • Certificate for exam passes
Who should take this course?

The course will help your development and flavour understanding for:

  • established chocolate makers
  • start-up chocolate makers
  • chocolate tasters
  • cacao trader or commercial grower
  • cooperative technicians
  • NGO staff members
  • anyone with an interest in cacao flavour and quality